Finding The Right Online Tax Prep

Finding The Right Online Tax Prep

During tax time there are all sorts of advertisements for at home tax prep. These sites offer many different features and each claim to be the best one. This is why it is important to understand this battle as well as what it can mean to you when filing your taxes.

One of the biggest sites out there is free Turbo Tax 2013. Many people like this because it allows them to file for free on their federal tax forms. A newer site that you can do this with is TaxSlayer. Tax Act is among these as well. The nice thing about these different options is that they are all free and allow you to quickly get your information in so you can receive your refund.

IRS 1040 Tax Form Being Filled Out
IRS 1040 Tax Form Being Filled Out (Photo credit: kenteegardin)

The thing many people wonder is which they should go with. The truth is that it is simply a matter of preference. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when looking at the site you will go with. One is whether they offer free support, as not all do. Will they charge for additional forms, which is especially important if you have your own business. You also want to find out if there are any charges to have the money direct deposited into your account.

You will need to think about what your needs are for your taxes. If you have no clue what you are doing, then it may be beneficial to pay for a service that offers online chat with tax professionals, such as H&R Block at Home. If you know what you are doing or are doing a simple 1040EZ, then chances are you do not have to worry about this.

In the end, you need to go with the site you feel most comfortable with. Each site has benefits and drawbacks. This is the nice thing about these sites is that you can find one that will meet your needs. Just make sure you take the time to see what each has to offer before you get started as having to imput all your information again can take a long time and will be frustrating.

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