Tax Tip: Double Check Payroll Withholding
The IRS has released a new tax tip for 2009 which describes why it is important to double check your payroll withholding during the year so you will not be surprised when you file you taxes and did not without enough federal tax. With the reductions in withholding under the Making Work Pay Credit passed by the government, some Americans may not be withholding enough tax based on their incomes.
Affected Groups
Groups that might fall into this category include multiple job holders, spouses that both work, and workers that are claimed as dependents on their parents tax return. If these groups do not adjust in time to collect additional taxes during the year, they may owe taxes when they file in 2010.
Making A Change
Taxpayers can visit the IRS website to learn more about adjusting their withholding and can also read the instructions that accompany the W-4, Withholding Allowance Certificate, form. Once completed, returning the form to your employer will correct any necessary withholding issues that you currently have.
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