Tag: a

  • Getting Started With A Roth IRA

    Do you plan on saving money for retirement with a Roth IRA?  Did you know that their are things you need to consider before you set this account up?  These things would include qualifications, contributions rules, and withdrawal rules, and in this article I’m going to cover all 3 of these vital pieces.

    Qualifications. Before you can even set up your account you need to consider the qualifications for Roth IRA accounts.   First off, you need to have a job to qualify, if your out of work you can’t get one.  On top of that you cannot earn more that $167,000 as your adjusted gross income on your tax returns.  If you earn more than this you won’t be able to qualify for the tax advantage benefits.

    Contributions. Once you’ve qualified for an account their are some contribution rules you have to follow.  First off, you cannot contribute more than $5,000 in a given year unless you’re over the age of 50 at which point you will be able to contribute an extra $1000.  On top of that their are only several different types of good financial  investments you’re able to invest your money in with a Roth IRA.  Some of these include mutual funds, stocks, bonds, money market accounts, exchange traded funds, and certificate of deposits just to name a few.

    Withdrawals.  The last thing you should know is that their are some specific withdrawal rules you must follow.  First, if you take a withdrawal before age 59 and a half you will pay an added 10% tax penalty.  This doesn’t mean your not allowed to take a withdrawal because their are specific things you can take a withdrawal for and not be penalized.  Some of these things would include money for buying your first house, money for your children’s college education, or even if you are facing a hardship.

    In the end following these simple rules and qualifications will ensure you don’t face a penalty and that you have a successful retirement.

  • Finding A Quality CPA In Ohio

    Looking For an Ohio CPA?

    When looking for a CPA in Ohio there are many things that you will want to consider before making your final decision.

    The first thing to consider in your CPA is word of mouth advertising. If there is a CPA that someone you know is currently recommending you will want to discuss what type of work that they had done and how satisfied they were with the work that the CPA did for them.  That way, you can be confident that will do a good job for you too.

    Also, you should check the Ohio AICPA to be sure they have current registration and really are a CPA.

    If you have no friends, co-workers or family that has used a CPA in the past you may turn to the telephone book to see what one of the ads looks like for one there.

    Once you have found a couple ads that look appealing in the phone book you will want to make a call to the CPA office and have a chat with them over the phone. Some questions that you may want to ask include the following:

    1. What they offer?
    2. How busy are they, is it going to take a long time to get an appointment there?
    3. How much they will be charging you for their service?
    4. What kind of tax returns do they do?
    5. How long have they been in business?
    Overall the process shouldn’t take long to find a qualified CPA that will assist you with your Federal and State tax returns. There are many quality CPA’s in Ohio that will be able to do your return. From Cleveland to Cincinnati, if you do proper research you should not have to pay an arm and a leg for a good accountant that will do a great job.
  • Reducing your IRS tax debt – A step towards fiscal freedom

    Knowing as well as learning the ways of reducing your IRS tax debts is the only possible solution to the nerve-wracking problem. According to resent studies, it has been seen that the huge number of IRS tax defaults is due to lack of awareness than the negligence on the part of the actual tax-payers. Most people in the US do not have any inkling ways to seek IRS tax debt relief and this ignorance builds up their fearfulness that leads them into incurring more and more debt. If you too have missed your payments on your taxes and you’re not aware of the ways in which you can pay them off, here’s help for you. Have a look at the ways in which you can tackle your IRS tax debts.

    Guaranteed installment agreement: If you want to make sure that you’re soon free of IRS tax debts, you can negotiate a guaranteed installment agreement with the IRS. However, you can only seek help of this option if you have dues that range above $10,000 or less. You also need to meet some more criteria like all your tax returns must be filed and the monthly installments will pay off your balance within 36 months. You also need to agree that you will pay your tax debts regularly in the near future. The biggest benefit that you can reap off the guaranteed installment agreement, you will not require filing federal tax lien. Tax liens can easily hurt your credit score, if reported.

    Streamlined installment agreements: You can talk to the IRS about your financial hardship and then you may negotiate a streamlined installment agreement if the balance that you owe amounts to $25,000 or less. You need to agree that you will repay the balance within a span of 60 months. The minimum balance that the IRS will accept is the total amount owed (including the penalties and fees) divided by fifty. All your tax returns must be filed and you must agree to file your tax debts on time.

    Offer-in-compromise: If you think that your present monthly income is not enough to suffice the huge amount of tax debt that you own, you can go for offer-in-compromise option. If you file an offer-in-compromise, you can offer to pay an amount that is lesser than what you actually owe your creditors. As you file your request with the IRS, they will check whether or not you are actually liable to pay off your tax debt. By opting for this debt repayment method, you can save your dollars and use it in paying off your other obligations.

    Nothing can be worse than getting drowned in an ocean of tax debt. If you’re up to your eyeballs in IRS tax debt and you are looking for tax debt relief options, you can follow the points mentioned above. Pay off your taxes and lead a free of all debt obligations.

    Jenney Roberts is a contributory writer of Debt Consolidation Care. She is a financial writer and has specialization in financial problems and its solutions. She holds her expertise in the Finance industry and has made significant contributions on debt consolidation, savings, planning, frugality, debt settlement etc.

  • Factors to Consider Before Diving into a Business Loan

    As the economy gets tighter and the rate of unemployment increases, a good number of our population are starting to look into setting up their own line of business in the hopes of rising up and triumphing against today’s less than inspiring economy. As most business ventures require a significant amount of money, a lot of the country’ potential entrepreneurs are resorting to taking out business loans from various lending institutions. TotallyMoney.com explains that though acquiring a financial assistance to fuel your initial capital is a good start, borrowers should first consider several important factors before filling out those loan application forms.

    Equity Investments

    Getting a business loan is much more complicated as they often require a larger amount as opposed to that of a personal loan and as such they implement a more stringent approval process and asks for more detailed requirements from the borrower. One of these considerations would be your equity investment. Your particular lending institution would need to know your total current investment towards your business and discern if your business is stable enough to continue operations uninterrupted by financial setbacks. Your equity investments will help creditors undermine the value of your business vis a vis its outstanding debt to arrive at a justified loan amount for your loan. As a general rule, the weaker your investment portfolio for your business is, the lower your loanable amount.

    Type of Loan

    Depending on your requirements and credentials, your creditor will look into more effective and safer loan options for you. Those falling below their standard requisites might be required to take out a secured loan which gives creditors more security as they have something concrete and substantial to hold on to. These collateral are usually in the form of properties. But those who have exceptionally good credit and financial liquidity may have higher chances at getting unsecured loans. Financial experts advise discussing your available options and carefully compare unsecured loans with that of secured loans to determine which works well given your financial capacity.

    Earning Capacity

    Another important factor that your creditor will surely look into is that of your business’ current financial standing to help them assess the liquidity and profitability of your venture. Keep in mind that these lending institutions will look closely into your business’ viability as they too would not like to earn losses as well.

    Operational Capital

    Lenders will also need to account your current working funds and compare them with your existing liabilities. The higher your available operational capital is, the more assurance they get that you have the capacity to pay them at a given time.