Tax Carnival Ecstasy – August 20, 2013

Tax Carnival Ecstasy – August 20, 2013

Welcome to the August 20, 2013 edition of Tax Carnival Ecstasy. We start this edition an article about filing back taxes from the blog 2009 Taxes by Bill Smith. John Schmoll takes a look at when is the right time to start saving money for retirement. Finally Daniel has an article on paying a personal tax to yourself from his site Sweating the Big Stuff. Hope you like the articles, like on Facebook, +1 with Google, and share the link on Twitter.


Bill Smith presents Can You Still File 2009 Taxes With Turbo Tax 2009? posted at 2009 Taxes, saying, “Turbo Tax 2009 was released in late 2009 as a way for people to prepare and file their taxes themselves from a computer.”

Leader Phil Mickelson teeing off on the 18th h...
Leader Phil Mickelson teeing off on the 18th hole at TPC at Sawgrass during the final round of the 2007 Players Championship. Mickelson bogeyed the hole but still won the title by two shots. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Bill Smith presents Phil Mickelson Needed to Pay 61% in Taxes For His Fame posted at 2010Taxes, saying, “Phil was recently ranked at number 7 in Forbes list that consisted of the highest earning athletes around the world but paying this heavy amount of taxes to the government(s) is really a tough thing to do for him.”

John Schmoll presents When Should You Start Saving for Retirement? posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “Saving for retirement can be challenging for many. There are many excuses to use from not having enough money to it being too far away. However, by starting to save for retirement earlier rather than later, regardless of the amount, you put yourself in the best position possible.”

John Schmoll presents Investing in Stocks: Are You a Trader or Investor? Plus a Giveaway! posted at Frugal Rules, saying, “There are various strategies investors can implement in the stock market yet many do not stop to think which is best for them. This lack of preparation can significantly undermine their investing efforts and hinder their attempts to grow wealth and saving for retirement.”


Bill Smith presents 5 Popular Business Destinations For Tax Havens posted at 2014 Taxes, saying, “Taxes can often prove to be rather annoying expenditures that Government enforces on its people.”


Daniel presents Force Yourself To Save With A 100% Personal Tax posted at Sweating The Big Stuff, saying, “With income taxes, you pay the government for money you earn. But with a personal tax, you pay yourself for money you spend.”

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of tax carnival ecstasy using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Get a Personal Tax Return Extension

Get a Personal Tax Return Extension for 2009

According to many tax professionals and MSN Money one of the best ways to avoid an IRS audit to file your return as late as possible. And filing an extension extends the period of time before you need to file, that is even better. Now with FileLater LC, you can wait until October 15th to file your return as long as you’re getting a refund or have already paid the amount due by April 15th.

Easy Process

Just minutes to complete with special pricing prior to the 15th of February, FileLater is … Read more at 2009 Taxes

Get a Personal Tax Return Extension for 2009

According to many tax professionals and MSN Money one of the best ways to avoid an IRS audit to file your return as late as possible. And filing an extension extends the period of time before you need to file, that is even better. Now with FileLater LC, you can wait until October 15th to file your return as long as you’re getting a refund or have already paid the amount due by April 15th.

Easy Process

Just minutes to complete with special pricing prior to the 15th of February, FileLater is ideal for personal returns and 2008 business tax returns. In just three easy steps you’ll be able to wait an extra 6 months to file your return. Step 1 is provide the personal information required and FileLater LC offers a secure web application protected by McAfee for your data entry. Step 2 is estimate if you’ll get a refund or owe money. You’ll need to pay any taxes owed by April 15th regardless of when you file your return. Step 3 is file your extension and receive confirmation of acceptance.

All Types of Personal Returns

Not only can you file an extension for the basic 1040 returns but also for more complex returns. Returns that have a Schedule C Sole Proprietorship can be extended. Single Member LLC returns can be extended for those protected assets with limited liability corporations. And returns containing IRS form 4868 can also be extended with FileLater LC.