Getting Started With A Roth IRA

Do you plan on saving money for retirement with a Roth IRA?  Did you know that their are things you need to consider before you set this account up?  These things would include qualifications, contributions rules, and withdrawal rules, and in this article I’m going to cover all 3 of these vital pieces.

Qualifications. Before you can even set up your account you need to consider the qualifications for Roth IRA accounts.   First off, you need to have a job to qualify, if your out of work you can’t get one.  On top of that you cannot earn more that $167,000 as your adjusted gross income on your tax returns.  If you earn more than this you won’t be able to qualify for the tax advantage benefits.

Contributions. Once you’ve qualified for an account their are some contribution rules you have to follow.  First off, you cannot contribute more than $5,000 in a given year unless you’re over the age of 50 at which point you will be able to contribute an extra $1000.  On top of that their are only several different types of good financial  investments you’re able to invest your money in with a Roth IRA.  Some of these include mutual funds, stocks, bonds, money market accounts, exchange traded funds, and certificate of deposits just to name a few.

Withdrawals.  The last thing you should know is that their are some specific withdrawal rules you must follow.  First, if you take a withdrawal before age 59 and a half you will pay an added 10% tax penalty.  This doesn’t mean your not allowed to take a withdrawal because their are specific things you can take a withdrawal for and not be penalized.  Some of these things would include money for buying your first house, money for your children’s college education, or even if you are facing a hardship.

In the end following these simple rules and qualifications will ensure you don’t face a penalty and that you have a successful retirement.

Handy Tips to Using an Online Calculator

The introduction of the internet has ushered in a multitude of online calculators freely available for anyone who needs them. From basic calculators to the most complex calculus equations, to mortgage and auto loan calculators, name it and you will find it online. With just a few clicks here and there, you can easily arrive at the number you are looking for.

Calculators have become an important tool evidenced by the fact that most of our households and offices today are filled with them, we have them on our mobile phones. PDA’s and watches. With the wide array of calculators to choose from, one is fast gaining popularity as an important tool for future homeowners, that of the mortgage calculator with taxes. This simple online tool can help you deduce your mortgage payments based upon your total loanable amount compounded with interest rates and loan terms while factoring in the taxes involved.

Another variety of mortgage calculator does its work based on your total mortgage amount per thousand, which can easily be summed up through a payment per thousand calculator. This calculator quantifies your mortgage payments and allows you to see what it will cost you to buy a larger or smaller home.

To make your online mortgage computation much easier, we are putting together a step by step guide that can make every newbie a calculator expert in no time.

Step 1

Input the total amount of loan you wish to apply for. If you are looking towards making a down payment, then you will also add that in on the specified area. The online calculator will automatically reduce your total loan amount based on your down payment.

Step 2

Input your expected interest rate. You can search online to look for the average interest rates available in the market or inquire from your local bank to come up with a realistic number.

Step 3

Factor in your desired loan term, you can choose from the available options though most borrowers opt for a 30 year fixed term.

Step 4

Include your local cost of taxes and insurance needed for your mortgage loan.

Step 5

Press enter and let your online calculator handle the rest.

Through these simple steps, you will be able to get an accurate estimate of how much your mortgage payments will amount to and will help you assess whether your are financially prepared to take on this huge investment.