Tag: Accounting

  • Free Online Taxes

    It is quite a harrowing situation when you are trying to prepare 2009 taxes, sitting with the tax booklet and form, and all your pay stubs and receipts. At the same time hiring a tax professional is quite costly for just preparing returns. However a good tax service can prove to be both beneficial and economical.

    A good tax service has lot to offer and includes services like online submissions for all states, lab testing of possible mistakes and deductions, sales applications which are linked to proper import information, IRS text publications and ability to talk directly with the experts who are preparing the taxes. Such services also offer monetary advice covering topics like preparation of pension, info on rentals and ownership of homes, advice on small business and so on.

    A good tax service will offer much more than free online taxes 2009 and will include the basic preparation of taxes and a conscientious strategy and planning of your taxes and finances.

    Tax programs are indeed a boon, as a good one is simple to use and will relieve you of the stress and anxiety of preparing your returns.

    The tax application if any should be easy to install and set-up, so as to access the online tax service speedily and effectively.

    Online software for taxes should provide all the tools and features needed for filing an accurate and complete tax return. Apart from providing the relevant state forms for taxes, a good service will also provide publications from IRS, other program imports, error rectification and deductions, and a suitable audit defense.

    The program should be logical and provide proper drop-down menus, relevant icons and the relevant definitions for an effective work flow.

    The interface has to be extremely user-friendly as there are many who have never availed a tax service online. The databases should be up to date providing the current tax laws in an easy to understand form without using the complicated tax jargon. The program should also be proof to errors which are likely to be made by the novice tax preparer.

    The online tax service should have a proper help system with contextual help menus and in-depth explanation for each step. Apart from this the service should also offer tax advice the other support through online chat, email or phone.

  • Tips To File Your Tax

    The prevailing fiscal climate has put most small business on the brink of closure. This has been as a result of a myriad of reasons ranging from intense competition from stiff competition from big corporations to a rigid tax regime that is not friendly on small operators at all. It is important for owners of small businesses to actually learn how to reign in the tax cost so that their businesses stay afloat. There are several tax tips that these small business owners ought to incorporate into their operations if they are to have a chance of surviving the prevailing economic conditions. These tips will ensure that they are in good books with the IRS.

    The first tip has to do with procrastination as concerns filing of taxes. You gain nothing by delaying tax filing. If anything, you are creating problems for yourself as well as your business. The year or prevailing conditions might be really bad, but the tax collector has to get his dues despite the tough conditions. Instead of dilly dallying and risking some serious fines or a closure, just sort everything out, compile them in an orderly way and then file the tax returns in time. Those who are prone to panic attacks should ensure that they do their filling in good time to avoid return attacks just because of something that could have been avoided altogether.

    Avoid thinking too much about the tough economic situation and forge on. This can serve as a serious detractor which will only get you into trouble. Despite the tough times, you will still owe some money in form of taxes. Maximize on net refunds which are as a result of the net operating losses. You might be wondering, when will my tax refund be mailed? Get down to a qualified tax accountant as these refunds tend to be quite substantial and they can help you bridge the tax gap without much hustle. Consult with a qualified accountant as he is the one who is best placed to deal with these refunds. Start appreciating depreciation and identify things that you can take away from your business without hurting the business.

    Section 179 of the federal law has provisions for depreciation deductions. There is fast depreciation costs which can be used to save dollars that otherwise would have gone to the taxman. The saved monies can be used for other activities within the business which will end up cushioning the business from further ravages by the economic storms out there.

  • Tips on Reducing Property Taxes

    It’s bad enough when you have to pay taxes at the department store, grocery store or on your personal income, but it can be extremely frustrating having to pay taxes on a property that you own, and not only that, but having to do it each and every year. Those taxes can easily reach into the thousands of dollars or more and can put a severe strain on your personal finances. However, there may be several ways to lower the property tax amount that you are paying; ways that if aren’t taken advantage of, could cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year.

    If you’re looking for ways to reduce property taxes each year, here are a few tips that could gain you substantial savings.


    Property tax exemptions may be one of the easiest and most significant ways in which to save money on your property taxes. By way of senior, homestead or homeowner, or military exemptions, you could realize extensive reductions upon your property tax bill.

    In order to find out what exemptions you might be eligible for, as well as their terms and conditions, you will likely need to visit your country assessor’s office either online or in person since the ways in which exemptions are determined and applied will likely vary from state to state and even county to county. Your eligibility may also depend upon how long you’ve lived in the property for which you are applying for exemption status.


    Depending upon when your property was last assessed and the potential change in value it has experienced since that time, it could be worth your while to request a reassessment from your assessor’s office. If you feel that your property has seen a significant decrease in value, a reassessment might substantially lower your property tax bill. However, it is important to bear in mind that a reassessment can be a double-edged sword. If an assessor finds that the value of your property has actually increased, such a move could backfire and result in higher taxes, so it is important to do your research and conduct your due diligence before requesting such a re-evaluation.

    Tax Deduction

    Another way to realize significant savings on your property taxes is by ensuring that you are taking advantage of your of tax deduction on your federal taxes. Since mortgage interest and property tax payments may be eligible as a deduction on federal income taxes each year, this is yet another way in which to get at least a portion of your tax money back. Similar to property tax exemptions, the amount for which you are eligible for a tax deduction for a particular tax year may depend upon how many days you have actually resided at the property. This could be an important consideration for those who have just moved into or away from a property.


    Ways to save on property taxes and the amounts involved can range significantly depending upon your geographic location as well as your personal situation. It may therefore be important to consult your particular county assessor’s office or a tax professional to learn exactly what savings you may be eligible to receive.

    Anastacio Mindiola is an accomplished attorney and business owner. His company helps home and business owners protest property taxes in Houston and the surrounding counties. For more information on how you can lower your property taxes visit https://republicpropertytax.com/.

  • Free Tax Return Filing

    Free Tax Return Filing

    If you are in search of an online service that still provides a way for you to file your 2008 taxes before the end of the year, Free Tax USA is the solution you have been looking for. Although e-filing of tax returns for 2008 ended on October 15, 2009, you can still prepare your tax return online for free and mail in your completed forms. Something you may not have know until now. FreeTaxUSA is one of the few online providers that helps individuals complete their taxes online for past years that they have failed to file for.

    Free Services

    As long as your Federally Adjusted Gross Income is less than $56,000 you can file you Federal Income Tax return for free. But other services are priced just right for everyone. Including $9.95 for Federal filing when your adjusted income is above $56,000 and $9.95 for State Income Tax returns.

    Great Benefits

    Free Tax USA is easy to use, 100% accurate guaranteed, Fast, Safe, Secure, and Inexpensive. Your information is safely stored and transmitted using SSL encryption. Plus you have protection if there is a calculation error on your tax return. Free Tax USA will pay all penalties and interest in such cases. You’re tax return accuracy is guaranteed.

    Other great services in addition to free preparation and e-filing, Free Tax USA offers printed tax returns mailed to your home, professionally bounded tax returns, your tax return on a CD-Rom, and free access to past tax returns online. And when you file your taxes next year with Free Tax USA, your information will transfer to the new year. So if your address and employers have not changed, their information will be ready for you to work with.


  • The Benefits to Using Turbo Tax

    The Benefits to Using TurboTax

    Regardless of whether you are a small business owner or an individual, there is no reason to try and figure out your taxes alone. It is estimated that 3 out of every 5 individuals who file their taxes without assistance are missing out on monetary returns that are owed to them by the government. TurboTax is the perfect combination of autonomy when filing taxes while gaining the valuable insights of a tax service. TurboTax is especially designed to enable filers to not miss out on tax credits that may be new or not known about by the average taxpayer! By revealing these new tax credits to you while you are doing your taxes; you are assured to get every amount of money owed to you by the government.

    Taking the Guess Work out of Your Taxes!

    Do you understand how the child tax credit works? What about rental property or real estate tax credits that you might be entitled to? Did you know that many filers have no basic understanding of what the earned income tax credit means to them. There are numerous new tax credits initiated each year as well as a plethora of old ones that may apply to you. Unfortunately, if you aren’t a CPA and don’t make taxes your living you may not know what you are missing out on. TurboTax is equipped with all the new and old tax credits and offers you a comprehensive software program that will make it easy to decide which ones you are entitled to! The economy is too tight for any of us to go without tax assistance or pay taxes that may not be due! If you don’t have the money to hire a professional, allowing the professional software of TurboTax to help you can save the average filer thousands of dollars each year!