Tag: Computer file

  • Can You Still File Taxes With Turbo Tax for last year?

    Can You Still File 2009 Taxes With Turbo Tax 2009?

    Turbo Tax 2009 was released in late 2009 as a way for people to prepare and file their taxes themselves from a computer. The software guided users through the process and helped them to get the biggest tax refund possible. Turbo Tax is updated every year to stay current with tax laws, so to file your taxes you must use the version of the software from that tax year.

    Tax Refund Ballerz
    Tax Refund Ballerz (Photo credit: bornazombie)

    For 2009 taxes, this means you will need to use Turbo Tax 2009. You will not be able to e-file your taxes from 2009, but the software will let you print everything out you need so you can mail it in to the IRS. However, the IRS implements a time limit of three years on requesting tax refunds from any given year. Therefore, tax returns that were due on April 15 of 2009 had to be filed by April 15 of 2013 in order to receive the refund. If you had an extension on your taxes in 2009, which shifted the deadline to October, the latest date to file your return and receive a refund is in October of 2013.

    This means that while it is still possible to file 2009 taxes with Turbo Tax 2009, the time period in which most people could actually receive a refund has passed. After the three-year period is gone, there is no way to get back any money you overpaid in taxes. In addition, you can no longer use that year’s refund to help pay taxes owed in another year.

  • Use Turbo Tax For Easy Tax Filing

    Filing taxes can be a frustrating experience. Hiring a professional for tax filing is not an option for some people. It is easy to file your own taxes with TurboTax. In fact, it is possible to file right from an iPhone.

    Since many people use their smart phones to do virtually everything, tax filing should not be left out. That is why TurboTax has a app for easy filing. It is as easy as snapping pictures of required documents and the app turns them into proper forms.

    There is a small charge for electronic tax filing. If the taxpayer falls below a specified income they may not have to pay a fee at all to file. Even so, filing electronically is a quick way to file. If money is owed to the taxpayer it can direct deposited right into their account. If there are no problems, the money can be in the bank in less than two weeks.

    The entire process of electronic tax filing and TurboTax in particular is completely safe. Some people worry about the privacy of their documents when filing electronically, but the information sent is safe and kept confidential. Errors are also minimal with electronic filing. There is actually a greater chance for errors when filing a paper return.

    Many people are switching to electronic filing over the older paper way of filing. It is more convienent, quicker and easier than traditional paper filing. TurboTax is an inexpensive way to file on-line. Try out the program and take the stress out of tax filing this year.

  • When you are missing your W2 Statements

    Make sure you have all your W-2 Forms before you file your 2010 tax return for this year because you will need all of them. You should have gotten a Form W-2 in the mail from each and every one of your employers for the year. The deadline for the employers to get them out to you is January 31st, so wait until then before you begin to worry.

    If after that date, you do not have your Form W-2:

    1. Call up your employer. Ask them if they sent out your Form W-2. If they did, make sure that they have your correct address. If they send you another W-2, wait for a reasonable space of time to receive the paper.
    2. Call the IRS. If by February 14th, you still have not received the Form, then you should call the IRS toll free at 800-829-1040. When you contacting the IRS, you will need to give them information such as your Social Security number, your address, your phone number,  and of course your name, as well as:
      • Your employer’s contact information (name, address, and phone)
      • The dates you were employed by him or her
      • An estimate of how much you earned for that year, and an estimate of the amount of money withheld for your federal income taxes, your dates of employment. These numbers can be obtained most accurately by looking at your final pay stub or consulting your a leave and earnings statement if you have it
    3. File for your tax return. Yes, even without the needed Forms, you still have to file your tax return (or for an extension) before April 18th.  Just use Form 4852 instead as a replacement for the missing Form W-2. Send Form 4852 with your tax return and your most accurate income and withheld taxes information. This may delay your tax refund while they verify that your form is indeed accurate.
    4. File a Form 1040X. If you do eventually receive your W-2, but you have already filed for your tax return, compare the W-2 numbers with the numbers you filed. If they do not match up, obtain a form 1040X to file a revised tax return.

    The mentioned instructions and forms and instructions can be obtained from IRS.gov website or by calling 800-829-3676

  • Free Tax Return Filing

    Free Tax Return Filing

    If you are in search of an online service that still provides a way for you to file your 2008 taxes before the end of the year, Free Tax USA is the solution you have been looking for. Although e-filing of tax returns for 2008 ended on October 15, 2009, you can still prepare your tax return online for free and mail in your completed forms. Something you may not have know until now. FreeTaxUSA is one of the few online providers that helps individuals complete their taxes online for past years that they have failed to file for.

    Free Services

    As long as your Federally Adjusted Gross Income is less than $56,000 you can file you Federal Income Tax return for free. But other services are priced just right for everyone. Including $9.95 for Federal filing when your adjusted income is above $56,000 and $9.95 for State Income Tax returns.

    Great Benefits

    Free Tax USA is easy to use, 100% accurate guaranteed, Fast, Safe, Secure, and Inexpensive. Your information is safely stored and transmitted using SSL encryption. Plus you have protection if there is a calculation error on your tax return. Free Tax USA will pay all penalties and interest in such cases. You’re tax return accuracy is guaranteed.

    Other great services in addition to free preparation and e-filing, Free Tax USA offers printed tax returns mailed to your home, professionally bounded tax returns, your tax return on a CD-Rom, and free access to past tax returns online. And when you file your taxes next year with Free Tax USA, your information will transfer to the new year. So if your address and employers have not changed, their information will be ready for you to work with.
